These brushes can be used widely to design an image as it gives an unorthodox feel or figures as well as a modern or digital influenced look.

The brushes used here are of digital patterns which gives a different variety of designs. The simple chain brush can be used to design borders of images as well as the periphery of objects. It brings about a sense of connection between two different figures or objects exactly like its pattern, which displays in itself a connection of numerous pieces joined together to form a never-ending pattern or ending till any point used. The simple chain brush can be used to create a design in order to connect two objects or one figure holding another. Here we come across the simple chain brush which brings about the effect of a chain pattern as a design wherever used. These brushes can be used to draw different patterns with the same themes as well as in different colors. That looks better than a simple bold black line. And other than a simple line dividing the page into different parts, if we used the following brush, then it brings about a pleasing pattern. The brushes painting such patterns can be used to design the borders of a certain picture or can be effectively used to divide the paper into different parts or segments. The following brushes resemble a pattern of ropes, rail tracks or can also be considered as a string design.