Honestly, I thought the program sounded cheesy. When I heard about OmmWriter’s special features-document background colors, as well soundtracks and sound effects-I was a little suspicious. This full-screen program prevents users from using other programs-like an internet browser-at the same time they’re using Ommwriter. It’s a “minimalist,” full-screen word-processing program, one that lacks the clutter of the tool bars, rulers, and menus that most of us see in Microsoft Word.

I heard about OmmWriter from a friend of mine who is a poet, scholar, and artist. And, as it turns out, I’ve found a new, strange one that I actually like. I’ve since learned that people use a variety of word processors. Because I’m not a computer geek (or, rather, I’m just ignorant when it comes to computers), I wasn’t really aware that anyone used anything other than Microsoft Word when they’re writing on the computer. Today, I enter the world of alternative word processing programs. In a previous post, I discussed the possible benefits of writing some, if not all, early drafts by hand. At the time, this seemed like an extreme approach, especially because there was only one computer in my life. When you’re writing, and you’ve come to a difficult moment in the draft, how easy is it to check your email or Facebook, to read that Twitter feed (“I can’t believe she said that to the public!”), or to click aimlessly from link to link? When I was a graduate student, I went to a writing talk where an author suggested un-installing the web browser on the computer that you use for writing. These might include your day job, other people who live in your house, and-the trickiest of all-internet. If you’re like me, the greatest threat to your writing-besides lack of confidence, or lack of inspiration, and all that-is getting distracted by other things in your environment.